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Getting Started

Once the software and the necessary files have been downloaded to the device and the configuration procedures are done, a screen with the user’s name and route number assigned will appear.

Log In

Login Screen

Salesman's Id.

Salesman's Name.

Route's Id.

A password will be required for each user. Once typed, tap on "Login" to get access to the system.

Login Screen

An alert may appear reminding the user of an user of an appoinment or any specific message. Slect "OK" to preoceed to the Home Menu.

Once logged, a screen with the options for the different transactions will appear.

From the main menu the user can navigate to the area of the application desired. The main menu consists of the following options:

Mobile Main Menu

Menu Option Usage
Truck Appears only when in DSD mode. Allows for functions related to the truck’s inventory management.
Deposits All transactions regarding pending deposits from the collection process of payments that will be deposited in the bank or office will be made here.
Sync Refreshes data in your device and sends transactions to the back office.
Settlement This option will list all customers who received service on a day or period with completed transactions.
Customers A list of customers to whom transactions will be made will appear under this option.
Other functions Reports, Quota, Survey and Mileage reporting available.