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Mobile Users

This page lists all MultiRoute android application users with their licenses, route configuration, and assigned routes. Users with permissions can Create, Edit, and Delete mobile users.

  • Users can press the Options dropdown at the upper left corner of the list. The options to Export to Excel, Export to HTML and Customize the Table will appear.

  • If the user presses the button with the three dots [ ] at the end of the user row, the options to go to the Detail and Edit page and to Delete user will appear.

  • To Create a new mobile user, press the blue button at the bottom right corner of the page.

Mobile Users


Here users with permissions can create a new mobile user with their respective license, selected routes, and personal information.

  • Depending on the Route Configuration, the mobile user's android device will display different modes. Users can choose the following options:

    • Pre-Sale: makes an order, but without delivering the products to the clients.
    • Route: sell products directly from the truck.
    • Docking: the truck is still at the docking station.
    • Delivery: customer is receiving the previously sold products.
    • No Module
  • The Merchandise Method is how the carrier will count the products.

    • Replenish: adding additional products.
    • Depletion: subtract products.
  • Set the transaction numbering format for the invoice, receipt, and deposit (optional) sequence. The sequence is alphanumeric and accepts letters and numbers. If the user starts the sequence with a letter, the number of letters at the start is by preference. After entering a number, the user can't enter another letter.


The Transaction Numbering Format can be change in Settings > Company Configuration > Transaction Format.

Mobile Users