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Track the location of your Pre-sales, Truck sales, and POD. It will automatically update every time a driver syncs his device.

Main Map

Salesman view

The map displays the last reported location of drivers, color-coded by the recency of their reports. Green indicates communication within the current day, yellow indicates the previous day, and gray indicates three or more days without communication. Users can locate specific drivers by clicking on the corresponding location icon in the left-hand panel. These features allow for efficient management and tracking of driver activity.

Salesman Map

Map filter panel

By using the filter panel on the right, we can easily search for specific data by module and salesman. Additionally, if we disable the date filter, we can see details for all transactions made.

Main filter panel

It is also possible to enable or disable individual event filters for a more targeted search. Clicking on an event within the map displays a popup with its details.

Main cluster panel